5 Unexpected Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients - Get the FREE Guide

If you feel you have a calling, are stepping into your gifts (or realizing you’ve always had them), there is a good reason not to wait to share them with the world.

I am not saying to push ahead, ignore your ego and physical body, and do what makes you feel uncomfortable.

I’m talking about some inspiration that’s calling you, some baby step that’s nudging you, something deep inside you encouraging you to use your voice, share your wisdom, or nurture others in a new way. Do not wait until you get to the point that you have it all figured out!

First of all, I’m not sure we ever get to that point. Instead we get to a place where we can stand behind what we are saying and trust it. Just have it a little more figured out until a new layer crumbles and is revealed to us and we delve in all over again.

The reason I’m telling you not to wait is because there is a real need for spiritual teachers who are relevant to our life today AND are accessible and affordable. Sure we will never discount Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay or the Rebecca Campbells of the world and can always benefit from their books, audio recordings and wisdom.

However, when I listen to or read their words they are speaking from a point of having lived and fine-tuned their spiritual gifts and beliefs over decades. Maybe they’ve really embraced clean eating, daily meditation, and are enjoying financial abundance while living in beautiful places. Which makes them so insightful, but let’s face it, it can make the rest of us feel overwhelmed.

I was so overwhelmed by Louise Hay’s Bone Broth book! I just don’t have the kitchen where I can have a pot boiling on the stove 24/7, my broth didn’t taste very good and the ingredients really stressed my budget. I do think broth is a value add but I wasn’t able to do it in such a way as someone who has being living it for many years can do it. I had to remind myself that any lifestyle additions take time to adjust to and that I can only do my best to keep up with feeding our family and my nutritional needs. If I can add in some broth, then do it. Otherwise it is okay to wait until I’m at a point in my life where I can have it brewing more consistently and remember to drink it before it spoils.

So many of us are not at that sweet spot in our lives yet, or that life may not even be our goal. While living in Maui sounds amazing, you may be shining your light in a crisis center located in New York City. You may be having a spiritual awakening in the heart of Chicago. You may be embodying yoga in Los Angeles. And all that is important!

There is a real need for the brave souls who are stepping up now and who are willing to share what is working for them TODAY.

It makes them relevant. It makes them accessible.

If you wait until you have everything “under control” and figured out you may forget how challenging the journey can be.

You may forget the pain of not knowing your shadows can be self-sabotaging and how you benefited from that type of healing.

You may forget how difficult it was to learn about energetic boundaries and how important it is to maintain yours.

You may forget the excitement of taking Reiki or the eagerness with which you started buying nurturing, supportive crystals to keep nicely tucked into your bra or pocket.

You may forget the spiritual chills which helped you stay focused on your path or the amazing people who showed up right when you needed them to.

You may forget the child-like wonder of discovering that there are no coincidences and the amazement at finding when you ask for help, if you are open and allowing, it will come to you. But if you wait, you will become used to this layer of understanding. You will forget what you really needed to hear and that information may not get out into the world. That feeling of it which can inspire so many, may be lost.

That is not to say you should jump on YouTube and ramble, although who knows? Something amazing may come of jumping on YouTube raw and vulnerable. When you have something to say, and it feels true and important – then go for it! Even if it doesn’t feel important but you are just dying to let it out – let it out!

If you have something you want to do or create, just go there!

If you wait for the perfect moment, the muse may pass or you may become the person who has it so together it overwhelms others too. That feeling of “it’s way too much to do ALL of that” can make us inaccessible to others who otherwise would’ve benefited from us. It can make us shut down because there’s no way we can make so many changes to our lives.

I remember when I first cut out processed foods. I would wander around the grocery store almost to the point of tears (let’s be honest there were some tears). I didn’t know what to buy and was on a tight budget. I was so used to seasoning packets, frozen foods, and premade marinades that when I read the ingredients I felt overwhelmed and wanted to flee the store!

Over time, I learned to cook differently, when to relax the rules, which aisles I didn’t even need and it became second nature.

When I see others starting on that same path, overwhelmed by the ingredients on the labels, I still have such compassion for them because it wasn’t that long ago I was there too. Thirty years from now I may not have that same compassion because I may have forgotten what it was like when I called my husband standing paralyzed in the aisle saying “There’s nothing here for me to buy!!!!”

Which is why we shouldn’t wait to share our insights. To forge new paths. To teach what is true for us TODAY.

Because today is when we are relevant to someone else who is where we just were.

It is so needed.

If you wait until you reach a level of success like Gabby Bernstein, many people will not be able to book an appointment with you or afford you. Most my spiritual support has been in the $200 or less range, and anything in the thousands was beyond my reach.

Just be sure ALL of you is comfortable with it and then leap! You will be relevant to someone. They will look to you as someone they can relate to and who they would want to receive information from. Or receive services from. Or buy jewelry from…

Whatever it is, if your energy is really aligned with it, you will connect to those who are drawn to it – NOW. Not 10 years from now.

Today you are so relevant and needed.

Just by being you and following your nudges.

Just by virtue of wanting to do something positive for the world. By putting yourself out there.

You will be accessible.

And each step you take leads to the next one.

And the next one.

And the next amazing one.

Big hugs,

nicole strychazSave


Nicole is the founder of The Awakened Professional™ and the Awakened Workplace™. You can find her hosting The Awakened Professional podcast and sharing tips to integrate spirituality with your life’s work as well as writing Intuitive Copy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to help them align & be magnetic to their soul clients. Get the FREE Guide to Attract Soul Clients.. Read more...