5 Unexpected Ways to Attract Your Soul Clients - Get the FREE Guide

Answering the Call: Are You a Lightworker or Light Warrior? (And Does It Matter?)

Answering the Call: Are You a Lightworker or Light Warrior? (And Does It Matter?)

Have you ever wondered about the distinction between being a Lightworker and a Light Warrior? These terms have gained popularity within spiritual communities, describing individuals who actively contribute to raising the collective vibration, aiming to bring positive change to the world.

But what is the difference between the two? And why does it matter as you seek to fulfill your soul’s assignment?


Understanding the Call

If you are feeling a strong pull to understand your purpose and your soul’s assignment, your Higher Self or guides are likely waking you up at this time of your life to help you kickstart your mission.

This journey is not for the faint of heart! It requires faith, trust, and a firm belief in yourself to step into the unknown without a clear picture of the outcome.

Well, you may have a vision of the outcome, but the HOW, the WHY, and the WHAT may be vague (been there!).

It’s helpful to know if you are a Lightworker, or a Light Warrior when it comes to answering your call so you know how to nurture your body, mind, and soul when it comes to taking each baby step on your journey and knowing where to focus your energy for the most impact.


Deciphering Lightworkers

Think of Lightworkers as the radiant souls among us, spreading warmth and positivity in various forms.

When I think of a Lightworker, I think of Mother Theresa’s empathy and understanding of the importance of treating others with dignity and personal connection. But this is a well-known example and overlooks the everyday lightworker, shining their light in all occupations and lifestyles.

Lightworkers can be anyone —from energy healers to teachers, doctors to artists, or even the friendly shuttle bus driver you encounter during your day. I once met such a driver in Laguna Beach. Despite battling cancer, his spirit remained so infectious, bringing a smile to each face that boarded his shuttle.

Lightworkers infuse their surroundings with light, often through their mere presence, and they come in all shapes and sizes.


Spotting a Light Warrior

On the other hand, recognizing a Light Warrior might require a keener eye. They often operate in the shadows, stirring action and awareness through subtle nudges or provocative initiatives.

You might encounter them championing causes on social media or standing firm against injustice.

Light Warriors often challenge the status quo, urging us to confront uncomfortable truths and effect meaningful change.

While their methods may seem assertive, their underlying mission remains to usher in a new era of consciousness and harmony.

When I think of a Light Warrior, I think of the paraphrased famous quote from Joan of Arc saying, “I am not afraid. I was born to do this” because though she faced surmountable odds, her belief that it was her divine mission compelled her to carry out her vision.


The Crucial Role of Light Warriors

Contrary to popular belief, Light Warriors aren’t confined to traditional spiritual or healing roles. They can emerge from any walk of life, fueled by a deep sense of purpose and a burning desire for transformation.

Consider the TikToker spearheading a boycott against corporate greed, or the activist rallying against regressive policies.

These are modern-day warriors, bravely navigating the chaos of our times to pave the way for a brighter future. Speaking up when it would be easier to stay silent, putting themselves into the spotlight for the greater good, even when they’re uncomfortable.


Embracing Your Calling

Regardless of whether you resonate more with the archetype of a Lightworker or a Light Warrior, answering your inner calling can ease the sense of urgency that you must do “something” and help you align to a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

It’s about stepping into your power, whether that means spreading light through your presence or catalyzing change through action.

Both are needed, all are welcome.

Each of us has a unique role to play in the grand scheme of things, and honoring that role is key to living a purposeful life.



As you continue on your journey of self-discovery and service, remember the importance of staying committed to your path. Whether you’re embodying the qualities of a Lightworker or a Light Warrior, you won’t regret throwing your hat in the ring to help shape a brighter future.

Let your authenticity shine!

Are you feeling that inner tug, calling you to step into your purpose? Maybe you’re already knee-deep in your passion-fueled business. Share your journey with us in the comments!


The Shadow Side of the 4-Hour Workweek as a Measure for Success

The Shadow Side of the 4-Hour Workweek as a Measure for Success

Ever since the book, the 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss, there seems to be this gold standard in entrepreneurship that the goal is the freedom to travel and live your life while your business practically operates itself from the influx of all the passive income.

I want to talk about this!

Because there are many factors at play here and the risk is that you decide to pursue a soul-led, passion-fueled endeavor but when you find yourself working 80 hours a week as an entrepreneur instead of this elusive four, you think you’re doing something wrong.


Is the Dream Sustainable?

Let me tell you. I have been co-creating with entrepreneurs from their copywriting to their content, to their brand strategy and buzz plans, and I have yet to see ANYONE work a 4-hour workweek! They may work long weeks and then take vacations, but make no mistake about it, work is getting done to get them there.

If you READ the book, you will also find that SOMEONE is working those hours, it’s just not the author. The book is about outsourcing and leveraging your knowledge.

So there are more than 4 hours of work that need to be done each week to run a successful and profitable business but Ferriss is about efficiency, leveraging your work in the form of passive or residual income, and outsourcing when you can at a lower cost so you can have the freedom lifestyle you desire.


The 4-Hour Workweek is a Myth!!!

Which is why I want to talk about this because I’ve come to realize that so many new entrepreneurs set this extremely-hard-to-attain metric as their measure of how well they’re doing and it often leads to a lot of heartbreak and broken dreams because that kind of outsourcing and proficiency in your business comes with experience, an in-depth understanding of who you serve and what they want from you, and a OK-ness with having free time on your hands.

If you don’t yet have clarity in your business and know how to convert prospective clients to buyers, it’s OK. You will get there and it may take time, trial and error, and effort.

It’s better to measure your success in terms of moving the needle forward in your business and gaining momentum over how many hours per week it takes to do this.

Not everyone is ready to manage a team, outsource and can afford to pay others right from the beginning, and let’s be honest, it can be fun to work at your own business when you become your own boss which will make it hard to manifest the 4-hours only per week anyway.

Give yourself time and explore whether or not “free time” is the only measure of your success.



soul aligned entrepreneur

Beyond the Hours: Finding Your Why

Who wouldn’t want free time? Let’s talk about this.

It sounds so good to say you want a freedom lifestyle and that you don’t want to work. But is that really true?

Is the goal to sit on a beach all day every day or is there more to it?

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with travel and luxury, but what I’ve found with the clients I serve is that they are trying to make an impact.

They love teaching techniques to support someone’s nervous system, they enjoy sharing tips on manifestation and self-worth and are passionate about encouraging people to go after their best lives.

They may unlock health struggles, release energy blocks, foster community, or share mindset shifts that bring a more positive outcome in the workplace.

Working 4 hours is NOT really what it’s about if they stop and think about it.

Instead, it’s about sharing their wisdom, making an impact, and hopefully leaving the planet a little better off than how they found it.

More recently, it’s also become about being confident in the chaos and leading through challenging times when the world looks explosive and corrupt – and how to find footing and navigate that and then help others do the same!

I’ve encountered so many entrepreneurs who think they want the 4-hour workweek but honestly, if they really stopped to think about it they are creators, teachers, and healers at heart and enjoy spending time doing those things.


Redefining Success: What Matters Most to You?

What most people are likely saying when they say they want to work less, is that they want to feel aligned to their soul purpose. They want to feel like they are making a difference, that their work has value, and that they feel good about showing up every day to their career or business.

Most people actually can’t work just 4-hours per week without getting restless and going stir-crazy!

Take my husband for example. He would be thrilled to surf every day at lunch but beyond that, he can’t sit still! I’m always saying “Just sit down” so we can watch one show together but it’s hard for him to relax – even on vacation.

So would he be doing something else if we could travel unlimitedly? Maybe. But I think he would be bored after a few months and be ready to work with a team and contribute again because he seems to really enjoy that.

Bottom line, we all think we want to work less, but is it really more about spending our days doing what we love instead?


Let’s Reframe the Conversation

If you had all the money in the world, what would you do? Is it travel? Is it start a non-profit? Is it help the Earth? Is it paint, draw, photograph, or create?

Thinking about why you want the 4-hour workweek will help you know if you want a business where you manage several people to have that kind of time off (some people hate managing people!), or if there’s another business venture out there for you where you do what you love full-time.

Because there IS a difference!!!


The Truth About Passive Income

In any case, let’s stop this idea that we all need a 4-hour workweek because it’s making new entrepreneurs feel like there’s not a WHOLE bunch of work upfront that goes into attaining that.

I remember when I bought a blogging course from Create & Go because their six-figure blogger lifestyle looked so appealing. When they shared what it took to achieve that – they had both quit their jobs, moved into a free home with money saved, and worked 17-hour days eating only eggs and rice for months – well it was an eye opener for me.

That “passive” income was actually very active, head-down, work-hard income. This doesn’t mean they weren’t doing what they loved and had made a career out of it, it just means that it took TIME to achieve those results and keep them up.

In their case, it allowed them to travel with a “wi-fi” tribe of other entrepreneurs who worked remotely and got to see the world. But the keyword there is “wi-fi”, they still were working but had redefined what that looked like for them.

Work can be fulfilling, but it depends on how that looks for you! Is it expansive feeling or restrictive?

It’s like that expression, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life again”. You’re still working, but hopefully, you can do it in such a way that feels meaningful and fulfilling. Perhaps even answering your soul’s calling along the way?

In any case, the 4-Hour workweek as described by Ferriss is a MYTH! People get rich, sell businesses and retire – but they don’t get that way working only 4 hours a week without outsourcing any of it.

So if you are craving a lifestyle with more financial freedom, just know that it will take time to set up, gain momentum, and put the pieces in place to get there. Don’t give up too soon!

What are your thoughts?

How about you? What does success look like for you? Is it time to be creative? Free time? Vacationing? Working remotely? Working with a great set of co-workers at a job where you feel valued?

I’d love to hear about it in the comments!


If you’re struggling to understand who you are as an entrepreneur, I highly encourage you to schedule your Soul Aligned Entrepreneur Brand & Visibility Accelerator package where we dive deep into your Soul-Aligned “WHY” and you can begin to embody your big-picture vision with Soul Alignment and actionable steps that help you set up a business that matches your energetic needs!

soul aligned entrepreneur

Are You Bothering Your Spirit Guides with “Petty” Problems?

Are You Bothering Your Spirit Guides with “Petty” Problems?

Have you ever woken up feeling a deep connection to something unseen, a sense of wonder about the universe, and a burning desire to unlock your intuition? That’s the magic of spiritual awakening! But amidst the excitement, a nagging question might pop up: “Can I really ask my spirit guides anything?”

Let me tell you, when I first tapped into my clairaudience (hearing spiritual messages), I felt like I was on a whirlwind rollercoaster. Everything was new, and questions swirled around me. One of the biggest ones? Do my spirit guides get bothered by everyday stuff? Should I save my questions for the truly momentous occasions, the life-changing crossroads?

Back then, I worried that asking about “petty” concerns – daily frustrations, minor roadblocks – felt beneath their divine attention. It was almost like I pictured them with a celestial to-do list, and my problems wouldn’t even make the cut!


Watch: Are You Bothering Your Spirit Guides with “Petty” Problems?

But as I ventured deeper on my spiritual path, a beautiful truth unfolded: there’s absolutely no hierarchy of importance when it comes to reaching out to your spirit guides. They’re not cosmic concierges, prioritizing existential questions over rush hour traffic jams. Their purpose is pure love and support, guiding you towards clarity, wisdom, and alignment with your truest self.

So, whether you’re wrestling with a major life decision or simply need help finding your keys (because hey, even spirit guides know losing your keys can throw off your whole day!), their wisdom and guidance are always there for you.

One of the most liberating moments on my journey was realizing I didn’t have to wait for some grand event to connect with my guides. I learned to embrace an open dialogue, inviting their guidance into every aspect of my life, big or small.

Now, I see them not just as companions for the extraordinary moments, but as my steady allies in the everyday stuff too.

Are you asking your spirit guides for help? Are you saving it for the really big stuff? I’d love to hear about it!


Big Decisions During Mercury Retrograde: Should You Wait?

Big Decisions During Mercury Retrograde: Should You Wait?

Have you ever heard the advice that you shouldn’t buy a house or sign any legal contracts during Mercury Retrograde? It’s a common belief in astrology circles and among spiritual communities, but what if it’s holding you back from amazing opportunities?

In this video, I’m busting the myth that Mercury Retrograde means hitting pause on your life and sharing what you can do instead.

Watch Now!:

Why do people avoid agreements during mercury retrograde?

For years, I’ve heard the same thing: avoid big decisions and agreements when Mercury appears to be moving backward. But let’s be real, can we really put everything on hold for weeks at a time? Especially when it comes to something as important as buying a house?

The truth is, Mercury Retrograde is often associated with miscommunications and delays. But that doesn’t mean you’re destined for disaster if you sign a contract during this time.

Here are a few tips to support you during retrograde is you’re jumping on a special opportunity:

  • Be extra cautious and detail-oriented.
  • Double-check everything, from emails to documents, and make sure communication is clear on all sides.

A little extra effort can go a long way in preventing misunderstandings.

Think of it like this: you wouldn’t ditch your relationships just because Mercury Retrograde might cause some communication hiccups, right?

So, the next time a great opportunity comes your way during Retrograde, don’t let fear hold you back. Follow your intuition, and take action with a bit more attention to detail.

In my own experience, I bought my house during Mercury Retrograde and it turned out to be the best decision ever! We got a fantastic price and amazing interest rates – something that would be hard to find today’s market.

What do you think? Do you avoid big decisions during Mercury Retrograde, or is it business as usual? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Gene Key 33: How the Shadow of Forgetting Dims Your Magnetic Messaging

Gene Key 33: How the Shadow of Forgetting Dims Your Magnetic Messaging

Hey there, fellow Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Conscious Professionals! Ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels in the world of marketing, and wonder why your message isn’t hitting home like you know it should? Well, let’s dive into the meaning of Gene Key 33 and uncover why the shadow of forgetting might be putting a damper on your magnetic messaging.

Note: Even if you don’t have this Gene Key in your Hologenetic Profile, all the spheres apply to us if you contemplate them.

Gene Key 33 is a fascinating journey from the shadow of Forgetting to the Siddhi of Revelation through the gift of Mindfulness. Richard Rudd, in his contemplative book “The 64 Ways,” delves into the concept of forgetting not as mere absent-mindedness but as a failure to embrace mindfulness in our daily lives. It’s about getting caught up in the chaos and letting those precious moments slip through our fingers without a second thought. It’s also about not taking time to savor and reflect and really embody your day.

Your Potential Can Be Dimmed by This Shadow

What is interesting though, for your life and for your magnetic messaging, is that within this shadow lies the key to unlocking your true potential! Through mindfulness, reflection, intention, and awareness, we can transform the shadow of forgetting into creating content in the higher more magnetic frequency of revelation (the Siddhi frequency) that attracts your Soul Clients.

Let me share a bit of my own journey with you to help this make sense. Years ago, long before I stumbled upon the wisdom of Gene Keys, I embarked on a blogging adventure called “Mind Over Messy.” It was my way of navigating the messiness of life with a touch of mindfulness and a sprinkle of spirituality. Little did I know that those early experiences would lay the groundwork for my encounter with Gene Key 33.

But here’s where things get interesting. As I delved deeper into my spiritual awakening, I found myself hesitating to share certain aspects of my journey, particularly when it came to my family and my kids. I’m an open book but they had the potential to want privacy as they grew. I grappled with the idea of putting their experiences under the spotlight, unsure of how they would feel about it in the long run.

However, it was during this period of introspection that I received a powerful insight: the importance of documenting my spiritual evolution. My intuition whispered that as I awakened, I would integrate these learnings into my life, gradually forgetting their explicit details—a phenomenon that Rudd aptly describes as the shadow of forgetting.

Fast forward to today, and I find myself leading a community of spiritual entrepreneurs, conscious professionals, and energy healers on a journey of self-discovery and growth. But amidst the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship, I noticed something peculiar: a forgetting of natural tendencies and gifts —the shadow of Gene Key 33.

The Siddhi of Revelation

And that’s where the Siddhi of Revelation comes into play. You see, my friend, the insights, ideas, and intuitive downloads that we tend to forget are often the ones we’re meant to share with the world. It’s all part of the revelation process—the unveiling of our true gifts and talents. It’s what makes you magnetic and it’s likely what your Soul Clients need help with the most. So those things I felt called to write down, NOW are what my Soul Clients need! I’m spending time remembering and reconnecting with those lessons and knowledge because I did indeed integrate it and stop talking about it. My clients too are saying “I think people need to know this! I just assumed they knew it!”

So, if you’re finding yourself stuck in the shadows of forgetting, know that you’re not alone. Embrace mindfulness, cultivate self-awareness, and let the wisdom of Gene Key 33 guide you on your path to revelation.

Remember those natural gifts you have and don’t think “People already know this. They don’t need me to teach them!” Because it’s simply not true.

It’s a little easier to explain in video if you’d prefer to watch here:

The Gift is in Remembering

You are here for a reason and those things you “forget” are at the shadow frequency. The gift is in remembering and that can be as simple and bringing your journal to the beach, the infrared sauna, or with your morning cup of tea.

And remember, my friend, we’re all in this together, uncovering the hidden treasures of our souls one key at a time. So let’s continue to contemplate, explore, and share our gifts with the world—because that’s where true magic happens.

Let me know if you’re using your natural gifts to help your Soul Clients? Have you been assuming they don’t need help with it? Please share your thoughts in the comments!


About the Gene Keys:

Richard Rudd wrote the Gene Keys in 2002. It took him 7 years to write and he says he was transformed as he did. He was a student of Ra Uru Hu (the founder of Human Design) and taught Human Design when he had his own mystical experience emerging from what he called a “field of limitless light” that lasted 3 days and 3 nights. He emerged with the wisdom of The Gene Keys. The Gene Keys are a contemplative tool to unlock your path of gentle transformation and prosperity.

These are my personal contemplations of the Gene Keys and Human Design after living them and helping my clients transform their shadows too so they can uplevel to their full potential.


You can find Rudd’s Written Works Here (Amazon Affiliate Links):

THE 64 WAYS: Personal Contemplations on the Gene Keys (I find this easier to understand)
The Gene Keys: Embracing Your Higher Purpose
The Gene Keys Golden Path: A Guide to Your Activation Sequence 1 of 4 (mini reference to the Activation Sequence)
The Gene Keys Golden Path: A Guide to Your Venus Sequence 2 of 4 (mini reference to the Activation Sequence)
The Gene Keys Golden Path: A Guide to Your Pearl Sequence 3 of 4 (mini reference to the Activation Sequence)
Human Design Circuitry

Decoding the Dreaded “The Ick” Feeling in Marketing With the Gene Keys

Decoding the Dreaded “The Ick” Feeling in Marketing With the Gene Keys

Does it happen to you where you connect to someone either in person or online and you just don’t like them?

You can’t really explain why… they aren’t doing anything wrong, necessarily, you just feel a strong “Nope!”

I find this fascinating!

I am always a student of energy and marketing so when I come across someone that I find interesting, and I opt-in/follow/or purchase something from them but then immediately feel like I don’t like them, I’ve been wondering why that is?

I mean, they get me to their programs or offers and then suddenly I don’t like their vibe??? What gives???

(If this happens to you too, let me know! I’d love to hear what gives you “the ick” when it comes to new people).

I’ve also had this happen in real life too where I either resonate with someone or I don’t.

There is a component of one sphere in my Gene Keys that talks about being able to discern whether someone is genuine or not.

Richard Rudd (the founder of The Gene Keys, an extension of Human Design) describes it as being able to sniff out imposters but I feel like there is more to it because not everyone is an imposter, I’m sure.

I think one of two things happens when we feel “put off” by someone’s energy.

  1. We’re vibing on different wavelengths. Therefore, we just aren’t meant to connect to that person at the time. This is why sometimes you don’t like someone at first, but later they grow on you. You start vibing on the same frequency and your feelings about that person change.
  2. People are often in their shadow energy and you can feel it. It’s not bad to be in your shadow, it happens! But the energy of it will attract other shadow energy. So, if you’re feeling great, embracing your gift, or Siddhi frequency, and you bump into someone in their shadow, it may trigger you. You may feel frustrated being around that person, or just plain feel like they aren’t for you right now.

And that’s OK! There is no right or wrong to being human! But because I’ve been thinking about this it’s helped me step back and be less quick to dismiss people with a quick “that’s for me” or “nope!”

Whereas before I used to just think “Something about that person bothers me”, now I stop and see “Why is this bringing up something in me?” And further, “Is it me or something about them?”

And, then I check in with my Sacral response (because I’m a Sacral Authority in Human Design) to decide if any next steps are involved.

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, said that if you just follow your Inner Authority and Strategy in Human Design – it would be enough to live a full life following your soul signature – aka, the energy you were born with as your Highest Self.

It’s so easy to go down a rabbit hole of information and forget that if you start exploring Human Design, but as life gets more complicated, I’m falling back on this more and more. If you’re wondering about your strategy and authority, I include this information in your Soul Signature Entrepreneurial Blueprint​.

I will take this one step further to say that when you are creating your own marketing or sales pitches, you’ll want to make sure you’re embracing your gift, or your Siddhi (mastery) emotions as you are creating.

Coming from a place of knowledge and a strong, embodied vibration is magnetic to your soul clients.

It may not be magnetic to EVERYONE, again it goes back to the idea that we don’t all vibrate on the same wavelength, but the people you are most meant to help or serve will be able to feel when you are in your gift or shadow.

Not on a conscious level. It will be more like “I like that person, I don’t know why I don’t want to buy this?” They shy away when you are in your shadow without knowing why it resonated but something felt off.

In your gift? Those are your raving fans! See this YouTube video for more about your shadows in your messaging, and THIS video for how to get out of your shadows.

And if you need more insight into your personal gifts and the natural energy you emit when it comes to your business, you may really love my SOUL SIGNATURE ENTREPRENEUR BLUEPRINT AND LIVE READING.

You can find out more about that here:

unlock your entrepreneur superpowers gene keys blueprint


Let me know in the comments if you’ve felt the ick from someone’s sales page or once you buy their program. What did you do when it happened? I’d love to hear about it.


How to Create More Engaging Content Using Your Human Design Aura Type

How to Create More Engaging Content Using Your Human Design Aura Type

In a world where standing out is necessary to grow and scale your business, content creation is critical to help your Soul Clients find you!

But creating engaging content can sometimes feel daunting, or even confusing if you don’t understand your niche or you’re just starting out in your business and you don’t have your engagement dialed in yet.

I have exciting news! There is an element in your free Human Design chart that can help you create content in such a way that you access a “wiser” you that connects to your Soul Clients!

It has to do with utilizing what is called your “strategy” in your Human Design body graph to create magnetic content that is a knowledgeable oasis you can tap into at any time.

Are you ready to try it? Keep reading to learn how to use your free body graph chart to access your higher wisdom data bank.

First of all, what is Human Design?

Human Design is a holistic system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. It’s a tool for self-discovery and understanding that provides insights into an individual’s unique personality, characteristics, strengths, and potential life path.

At its core, Human Design offers a map, or blueprint, of your energy. It aims to help individuals live in accordance with their true nature, making decisions and navigating life in a way that’s aligned with who they are at their core.

You’ll hear me refer to this as “Soul Alignment”, or your “Soul’s Signature Energy”.

The system is based on the concept that each person is born with a specific Human Design, explained as 5 Aura types which include:

  1. Manifestors
  2. Generators
  3. Manifesting Generators
  4. Projectors, and
  5. Reflectors

Each type operates differently in terms of how they interact with the world and utilize their energy to create more ease and flow in their lives.

I’ll be focusing on today on Manifesting Generators and Generators strategy to “Respond”, to show you how you can utilize this insight in your marketing messaging.


How can it help your business?

According to Human Design, Generators and Manifesting Generators are wired to respond, but what exactly are they responding to?

There are many ways this can take shape. It can be:

✅ People’s questions
✅ Observations of the world
✅ Problems faced by themselves or others
✅ Questions from friends
✅The needs of your workplace
✅The needs of the collective

What is so interesting about understanding your Human Design strategy, is that when you embody it, it can unlock your innate gifts!

For example, you may not know the answer to a question someone asks you. You may have never even thought of it before.

But when they ask, suddenly you remember an article you once read or a book that has the information. Or possibly, the answer drops right into your mind and when you look it up it’s the exact thing that person needed!

That is the power of living by design – and it’s especially helpful if you are growing your business. You can tap into this energy to create engaging content that is magnetic to your Soul Clients. 


When you share without utilizing your strategy

When you just share, without responding, you can often be met with crickets, confusion, or people who are not ready to hear your insight.

This is why marketing efforts often fail – the energy isn’t aligning with your Soul audience. When you don’t follow your strategy, it can come across as “salesy”, pushy, and kind of icky.

But when asked, or if you are responding to a need, it can allow you to access a deeper well of insights that might not have been accessible otherwise.

And I don’t mean you get access to B.S. information, I mean you get access to insightful, helpful information.

A Real-Life Scenario

Imagine being at brunch with a friend who shares a work problem. As a Generator or Manifesting Generator, you resist the urge to force a solution. Instead, you relax, absorb the information, and provide empathetic support.

Suddenly, like a burst of inspiration, a perfect solution manifests in your mind—an angle your friend hadn’t considered or an insight to explore for answers.

In this moment, you’ve tapped into your intuitive channel by aligning with your Soul’s Signature through the act of responding.


Even a teenager can do it!

Even a 16-year-old Generator can attest to the power of responding. Sharing this insight with my Generator teenager, he began to notice that when friends called him with homework questions, he seemed more knowledgeable than when studying alone. It’s a testament to the enhanced information and creative energy that responding can bring.


A Real-Life Scenario for Your Business

Look up someone who does something similar to what you do. Read the comments and see where people are struggling to understand the information. Respond! If you have a great way to explain it, or to help, create content that responds to their confusion!

This way of creating content can increase your engagement, make you more magnetic, and allow your soul clients to find you! You also get the added bonus of learning more than you did otherwise because synchronicities happen when you’re aligned with your Strategy.


Forcing vs. Responding

To harness ultimate creative energy and overcome roadblocks, it’s essential to discern between forcing and responding. Forcing, with its lower vibrational frequency, impedes creativity, whereas responding to a genuine need or question aligns with the strategy and can hold a higher vibration.

I’ve focused on Generators and Manifesting Generators here but it’s important to note that Manifestors use their strategy of “informing”. Projectors can use “waiting to respond” and Reflectors can pay attention to what they feel excitement about and also wait 28 days to make big decisions. Each Aura type possesses a unique rhythm.

By attuning to your strategy, individuals can unlock their creator magic, accessing profound insights and limitless creative energy.

So, the next time you find yourself at a crossroads, pause, listen, and let the magic of responding guide you to a realm of uncharted possibilities.


Validation and Intuition

As with anything intuitive, you can always follow these steps to validate your guidance that I share in this post. It’s a process I use for Intuitive Writing that I also now apply with Human Design and the Gene Keys to validate that I’m on the right track.

If you would like to learn more about your specific Energetic Blueprints for Business, you can order your Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Superpowers 100% Personalized Reading HERE.

Let me know in the comments if you try this hack to tap into your unlimited creative energy. I’d love to hear it!


Miley Cyrus’s Wild Days… Shadow or Gift Frequency of Her Gene Keys?

Miley Cyrus’s Wild Days… Shadow or Gift Frequency of Her Gene Keys?

I have to say that at the time when Miley Cyrus was dancing around with a foam finger on stage with Robin Thicke, I thought it was strange, but didn’t think much else of it. Another “Disney Star” gone wild, is pretty much the most thought I gave it.

But as she’s matured and has been reflecting back to her younger years, more of the story has unfolded (or maybe it was already out there?). In any case, I thought it would be fun to read up on what actually went down and look at her Gene Keys to see – was she in her shadow when she started shocking the world? Or was she in her Gift or Mastery frequency according to her Gene Keys?

What are the “Gene Keys”?

Before we decide what was happening with Miley, you may be wondering what the heck the Gene Keys even are?

The Gene Keys, conceived by Richard Rudd in 1987, present an innovative approach to personal transformation rooted in a blend of consciousness and ancient wisdom. Inspired by a vision experience Rudd had, the Gene Keys integrate principles from the Chinese I Ching with insights from diverse fields, including biology, theosophy, anthropology, mythology, and indigenous wisdom. These keys are said to offer a unique programming language for self-evolution.

Rudd was a long time student and teacher of Human Design, and the Gene Keys are a dive into the 64 gates that you can find in your body graph.

Each Sphere has 3 Frequencies

We all have a Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi (Mastery) frequency in each sphere. Learning to decipher when you are in your shadow frequency, can be a powerful way to transform your life. Some would call this “shadow work”.

gene keys spheres

For Miley’s “wild days” it seems most relevant to look at her “Life Purpose” Sphere and see what was happening.

Guess first!

Before you read on, I would love to know what your guess is? Do you think it will be shadow, gift or Siddhi (mastery) frequency when we talk about her wild days when she “used to be young”? Let me know in the comments!

Ok, so here’s my take on it.

If you read about Miley’s departure from Disney, she very much felt like a victim. You can see the shadow of Victimization is right there in her Life Purpose sphere.

Now whether or not you think she was a victim of the conglomerate or not, she felt like she was. Disney was making a ridiculous amount of money off her name – which she didn’t even own rights to at one point – and her family ended up hiring better lawyers to be more protected. But overall she was incredibly underpaid for quite some time for being a star of a show ($15k per episode with 12 hour work days or more). 

But more than that, she felt stifled by how she was meant to act and behave. It’s the whole “good girl” syndrome if you’re familiar with it. In fact, if you look throughout women’s history, any time a woman “goes mad” that is usually code for not conforming to society’s expectations and doing things her way. Imagine that!

Cue to swinging naked from a wrecking ball in a video and the famous foam finger and twerking.

miley cyrus gene keys

I would argue that when she “went wild” she took back her freedom. Disney had no choice but to cut ties with the no longer squeaky-clean talent.

Miley’s Genius in her Gene Keys:

Her purpose, as you can see in her Gene Keys, is to manifest the Gift of Freedom. Whether or not you like the artist, she took back her freedom when she cut ties with Disney so she could be herself.

And you’ll notice her rebellion quieted down once she had that freedom, which is also interesting.

55 is such a cool Gene Key because it’s the only one where the gift and the Siddhi are the same! So she’s doubly meant to feel free and not under anyone’s control.

gene key sphere 55

I do think she freed herself from a situation where she felt she was taken advantage of and felt too restricted in how she could express herself. I think she embraced her gift of freedom and did what she needed to free herself from Disney’s control which can help her reach a higher expression of freedom, should she continue transforming. 

To be clear, I don’t think being a paid actress on a Disney show is a bad thing in and of itself, but in her case, she didn’t feel paid appropriately or able to evolve as a performer. It led her to feel the desire to break free – with a wrecking ball perhaps – rather than stay as Hannah Montana with the blond wig.

It’s important to note that we don’t necessarily just one-and-done our way out of our shadows. It’s an ongoing process with the goal to spend more time in the higher frequencies than in the shadow as we go.

If you haven’t started exploring your Gene Keys, you may like this blog post on how to get started.

You can also order your own Soul Signature Entrepreneur Blueprint to embrace your superpowers here:


So? What do you think? In her shadow and it came off as a lower frequency that many found off putting? Or in her gift, taking back her freedom? Maybe it’s a combination of both? Let me know what you think in the comments.



Are You Wearing a Cloak of Invisibility in Your Biz?

Are You Wearing a Cloak of Invisibility in Your Biz?

I’d love to share something important with you that I’ve witnessed time and time again with entrepreneurs pursuing their purpose and why I’m so passionate about helping you get your vision out into the world.

It’s best summed up with this idea of an “invisibility cloak” because we don’t always know we’re playing small.

It starts with those statements like “I know I should be creating an eCourse,” or “I know I’m supposed to be writing.” Even “I’ve been meaning to update my website.”

But for some unknown reason you find you aren’t creating it, writing it, or updating your website to better represent you and fulfill your soul’s desires.

And WHO is telling you that you should be doing it?

Likely it’s your Higher Self and your soul’s voice alerting you to these creative ideas, these inspiring ideas that are an answer to YOUR questions. Questions like “How can I free myself up to spend time on things I’m passionate about?” “How can I fulfill my life’s purpose?” “How can I better serve?”

We often ask the universe, or our guides for help, get an answer, and then say “I know I should be… (doing the thing!)”

So why not just leap?

There are very good reasons for that.

I think of it like a cloak of invisibility, for those familiar with Harry Potter. It’s like we want to do the things, but don’t want to be seen doing them on some unconscious level.

soul aligned marketing mastermind

In most cases, you may not know what is making you feel that energy of procrastination, hesitation, or even self-sabotage with your time that keeps you from “doing the thing”.

I believe there are several reasons for this including fear, your ego wanting to keep things the same, and also past life energy where perhaps you once did go for your passion, speak your truth, and in turn you were persecuted for it.

But there’s another BIG influence that I don’t think people talk about much when it comes to fulfilling your life purpose.

And that is uncertainty.

Over the past decade, I’ve had so many freelance writing clients who came to me and said, “I know exactly what I want to do, I just need help writing it”.

We had a couple of zoom calls, they told me about their business and what they wanted to create, market, or promote, and I got to work writing it.

THEN… this peculiar thing started to happen. We would get everything in place, from their lead magnet to their automated email funnel, or their digital program created and ready to sell…

And they would say, “I’ve changed my mind”. Or, “I’ve decided I don’t want to be online”, “I’m no longer aligned with this”, or “my life has gotten busy and I have to wait”.

Even one of my clients who said her digital course wouldn’t sell because people only wanted her teachings in person and I created an email sales sequence where she made $14k in two days! Even she went back to fixing her website though it looked fine, started trying other things, and ultimately went back to in-person classes that she said were burning her out completely instead of just running that same lucrative sale with the emails she knew worked.

I started to wonder “What gives???”

Because in my mind we created something beautiful and something that would work to get the sales they were asking for.

Better yet, putting their dreams out into the world to start co-creating with the universe to create the life they were after.

So what was it? Why did they suddenly want to switch off something they just spent months on without even putting it out there or maybe putting it out only half-heartedly?

Many were going to energy healers, doing past life regression, shadow work, and spiritual exploration in addition to the physical content creation.

So it wasn’t just some energy block.

Around the same time, I had an existential crisis of my own. I’ve felt called to channel write for years, and I had been blogging for almost a decade, but it always tied back to business and marketing in some weird way.

I guess not exactly weird, but I couldn’t understand why my writing always centered around business when that’s not the most enticing topic.

Well, at least it’s not Romance Novels or fiction which are the main sellers of eBooks and a much less competitive niche.

It’s what caused me to start exploring Human Design and the Gene Keys because I felt like there was some important piece of information I was missing.

It was my “Why”.

soul aligned marketing mastermind

And without understanding why I am doing something, even if my intuition clearly tells me to do it, it caused me to stop over and over until it would pull me back in again.

What I learned was that in Human Design I have a 1/3 profile. Which means that typically people with my profile love to research things and share them!

Which is what I was doing with my blogging. But because I felt it wasn’t consistent or cohesive, I would stop and start A LOT.

The other thing I learned from my Gene Key profile is that my Life’s Work sphere has to do with mindfulness and revelation.

I have spent countless hours exploring the relationship of my thoughts to what I’m co-creating in the world, so this made perfect sense to me.

In fact, my first blog is called “mind over messy” and was all about being present in your life so you don’t miss any of the good, the bad, and the in between because I have felt I want to be here for all of it and leave nothing behind as far as experiences go.

I’m sharing all of this because I want you to know that when we have these intuitive nudges and we start to follow them, but then we start to question “Why me?” or “Who am I to do this?”…

It’s like putting on your cloak of invisibility.

Your soul clients, your fractal people, they won’t be able to find you because you aren’t emitting the signal (your gift or siddhi frequency) they need to be able to see you!

When you’re stuck in your shadows it’s a much lower vibration.

This shadow energy may work in a traditional work setting and hierarchy, I mean we’ve all had that horrible boss that is somehow making money and getting things done, but in a soul-aligned online business, it’s going to be like trying to shine your light in a very thick fog.

And I would argue even that low vibe boss must step into their genius at times to get things accomplished.

It’s why I created the Soul Signature Entrepreneur Blueprint and also the new Soul Aligned Embodied Marketing Mastermind.

You need to not only know your why, you need to be able to live, breathe and embody it.

And more importantly, you need to understand your shadow energy so you don’t waste years putting everything in place, only to back off for reasons unknown and pick it up again later -and then repeat!

I HAVE been there, so these are NOT words of judgement.

If you are feeling your soul’s nudges, or even LOUD screams, but you know something is stopping you from pulling it all together, it’s like your shadows in the Activation Sequence of your Gene Keys.

There is a challenge in your first phase of awakening that can keep you stuck, possibly for a lifetime, if you don’t have the awareness to breakthrough.

You don’t want to stay stuck!!!

This is where the Soul Aligned Embodied Marketing Mastermind comes in to change this pattern for good.

You can get information to understand and embody your why in the Soul Signature blueprint alone, but if you want a more in-depth exploration with the synergy of a small group, the mastermind will help you bring it into your daily life over a 6-month period where you have the time necessary to implement and create with this aligned energy.

We start with your personalized reading where you and I first go over it together, and then our live group calls begin in January with your activation sequence leading the way to explore the challenge in your ability to share your genius.

I’m really excited about this group and you’ll see more information as I share it, but if you are ready now, you can sign up and follow the instructions to get your personalized reading started NOW so that you can rest easier knowing you will be able to create the solid, embodied, entrepreneurial foundation you know your business needs to thrive.

Or more importantly, the information your soul is craving so it can thrive.

When you ignore your soul’s calling it just waits. It’s like it goes to sleep and every time you tune back into it, you’ll feel it stir.

As if to say, “She’s doing it!” or “We’re back on”, like a show that got cancelled and it’s been picked back up for another season.

✨Is this your time to shine? ✨✨

soul aligned marketing mastermind


Do you have the time to keep putting this on the back burner and waiting for some perfect scenario to step into your purpose?

I feel as if 2020 and the subsequent years have taught me one thing, it’s that we aren’t going back to a solid foundation of certainty.

We have to build our dreams from the inside out.

Understanding more about who we are, how our sacred energy works, and what we’re here to share and do…

Well, it’s what makes the difference where you come across someone that has that energy to inspire you to create change or make a purchase, and someone who you may like their energy but you don’t feel inspired to take any action.

Not even to like, share, or refer them to others.

I do know that algorithms on the socials are a factor here… but I’m referring to those you see, follow, but you feel a little confused about or you feel like something is off.

I’ve had some people I’ve followed for years and then finally I decide to buy their digital product and when I get inside I’ve felt disappointed in the content.

And I realize that the reason I took so long to buy from them was because they learned to market, but they didn’t fully embody their knowledge and it shows in their digital courses.

Embodying your Soul Brand helps you create the value so you have the brand loyalty that feels so great because you get to see your clients grow with you.

I could go on and on about the benefits of understanding how to soul align your business and break through your challenges, but this is already so long!

I will sum up by saying that if you’re tired of feeling like you can’t seem to move the needle forward to actualizing your dreams, and you’ve been struggling to figure out why that is, then it’s time for a deep dive in your self-exploration so that you can release these patterns blocking your co-creation for good!

Because flow, synergy, support, resources showing up, your fractals finding you… OMG it feels so much better than constant force or struggle. 💖💖💖

It’s what’s helped my clients go from guessing and feeling like they got their intuitive downloads wrong to a sense of peace in their business.

That constant content creation hamster wheel will honestly get you nowhere except burned out and stuck in a job that is low vibe that you hate or one that you know your heart is no longer in it because it was meant to evolve.

And I know that’s not for you!

If you’re ready to receive your Soul Signature Entrepreneur Blueprint personalized reading AND take a journey with me and a small universally selected group, we will be exploring and embodying the Gene Keys, your Human Design, alongside your intuition for 6 fun months starting January 8th, after you’ve had your personalized 1:1 reading in December. Yes, growing and scaling your business can be fun, and energizing too! I swear!

You’ll also receive support with your Soul Aligned copy, so you can see all this magic in action.

Is it your time to shine? To remove your cloak of invisibility slowly, and comfortably so you don’t have to go back and forth anymore?

You can join me here:

Soul Align & Shine Embodied Marketing Mastermind

Learn to shine your light with your copy and market from your gift, your Siddhi, and your most potent gates and channels FREQUENCY to ATTRACT🧲 those soul clients to you! Likely ones you’ve never even thought of or imagined.

I’d love to help you embody your dream and carry your vision out into the world with clarity and confidence.

Soul Align & Shine MastermindClaim Your Spot Here

I hope to see you there.


Intuitive Content & Copywriter, Business Coach to Spiritual Entrepreneurs

The Gene Keys to Quantum Leap Your Biz – How to Get Started

The Gene Keys to Quantum Leap Your Biz – How to Get Started

So, maybe you’re hearing some talk about the Gene Keys and how much it can quantum leap your business. Well, everything you’ve heard is true! Depending on whether or not you want to take the time to go down the rabbit hole and if you have the patience to digest what you find.

Exploring your Gene Keys can be an unexpectedly, intuitive journey of self-discovery that’s all about YOU!

It’s an incredible tool that can help you peel back the layers of conditioning that have built up energetically over time to allow you to shine brightly so your soul clients can find you.

Like actually see and hear you through all the social media noise.

But I’m not going to lie, it’s COMPLEX. Breaking down the information into small steps and then applying them little by slow is what allows you to see the results and really feel the impact of this powerful tool.

So where should you even start? Today I’m sharing how you can get started on your contemplation journey without getting stuck in “analysis paralysis” and saying, “Forget it!”


The Basics

We all start life with our own set of superpowers, our core abilities. But here’s the catch. As we grow, we experience conditioning. Everyone experiences it because our past experiences shape our future behavior.

Conditioning is a sneaky thing that influences you more than you realize.

conditioning is sneaky

Conditioning is one of those words that gets thrown around a lot, but have you ever stopped to think about how it can affect you and your entrepreneurial journey?

I was thinking about this the other day… about how easily we’re conditioned, and how quickly we change our behavior going forward without giving it another thought.

Most people talk about the conditioning you experienced growing up. The way you perceived the world, or what adults told you that you could and could not do, and it became part of your unconscious programming, aka “conditioning”.

And of course, if you’re not mindful of it, the leading thought leaders will caution you that it becomes a limiting belief you hold in the future. An “upper limit” if you will (see: “The Big Leap”, a Road Trip and the Secret to Happiness?).

But I think it’s more than that. I think it’s our everyday life as we’re plugging along and if we’re not mindful of it, we create these new ways of being without even realizing it!

For example, and this is just a small example, the other day I was taking out the trash and I walked into a spiderweb on the side of our house.

Now I’ve taken out the trash a million times and just this ONE time I walked into a spider web.

So, the next time I went out there, I looked for a spider web. I was extra careful, I paused, and my heart rate went up a little trying to make sure I didn’t walk into anything scary or sticky.

I noticed I did this the next time and the next time too!

All because one time there was a web, even though ALL the other times there wasn’t.

One small, tiny event has caused me to alter my behavior, and say years from now I may not even remember why I pause in that same spot when I take out the trash, it will just be part of how I operate.

Now I know this is a simple and less complex way to look at conditioning, but I wanted you to see how easily we can change our behavior based on something that either happened, or we PERCEIVED to have happened.


Conditioning in Business

When you think about this for your business there is so much more pressure on it.

And if what you are creating in your business or career has to do with creating your dream life and or wanting to create an impact in the world? Well, there’s so much more pressure than just a sticky web.

Being an entrepreneur can actually create a certain amount of trauma if you feel deeply connected to your vision.

You put out your best offer and nothing happens. No engagement, no buyers, no interest… it affects the next time you put yourself out into the world.

What happens is that over time we forget that our guard is up, that we’re no longer putting ourselves out there Soul-Aligned, because we start trying to do things someone else’s way because OUR way didn’t work.

But did it truly not work? Are you sure it was the right time for your offer? Did you believe in it 100% and decide you were getting it out there no matter what??? Did you shout it from the rooftops and knock on people’s virtual doors telling them about your amazing thing?

And… when you truly get down to it, is it in your core, your soul being, what you really want to do or did you choose something that you thought would work instead (been there!).

It’s like when you go for a job you don’t want and then you’re bummed you don’t get it, right?

There’s nothing wrong with taking a 9 to 6 office job and building a nest egg, and there’s no shame in pursuing your dreams and experiencing trial and error.

I bring up conditioning because we’ve often strayed from that part of ourselves who wanted more.

The one who wanted our dream life and to schedule our day in a way that honors our energy.

You may want financial freedom, or perhaps your root center LOVES a steady paycheck and the ability to leave work at work at the end of the day and not take it home with you.

Maybe you want to travel and work from anywhere or perhaps you just want a beautiful backyard with a hot tub in it (me!).

This is why I love Human Design and the Gene Keys because it’s like a “Lost Dream” detector we all have access to. Free access to, no less.

Human Design and the Gene Keys has brought me back to ME. My soul signature. The person I started out being before I graduated college with big dreams and entered “the real world”.

If you think Corporate America isn’t the best at conditioning, well… I would say we’ll have to agree to disagree because it’s built on people falling in line and as much as people say they don’t want “group think” they LOVE group think.

Understanding who I am at my CORE, even going back to my teenage rebellious self is LITERALLY right there in my Hologenetic Profile.

It’s who I was before I wanted to move up the corporate ladder and then before I got my “six-figure blogger” dreams which led me down the path of copywriting.

Are you ready to remember who you are at your Core?

That’s what allows you to magnetically attract people into your little corner of the world because you vibrate at a higher frequency.

If you’re ready, let’s have a little fun!


Ready to Start Your Journey? Here’s how to take that first step.

Let’s start small by looking at ONE thing in your Hologenetic profile. I say one thing because even though looking at just one sphere sounds small, it’s not.

Today I’m going to show you how to look up your “Life’s Work” sphere and what that means.


You can watch this video OR follow the steps below:

  1. Go to genekeys.com​ and download your free profile.

gene keys where to begin

Look at the very top sphere “Life’s Work” to see where it is.

gene keys where to begin

Then go to the paragraph provided and read that ONE paragraph. This one sphere is the beginning of how the Gene Keys help you unlock your genius and it’s the very first step.

gene keys where to begin

Don’t get tempted to look at everything on your chart!


Notice each has a shadow, gift, siddhi plus line keynote.

gene keys where to begin

These are your energetic frequencies for your Life’s Work.


That’s great Nicole but what do I do with this information?

Well, my friend you “contemplate” it.

The Gene Keys are a journey of contemplation.

Richard Rudd, the author of the Gene Keys, wrote this powerful tool in 2002, and it took him seven years to complete. He was a student of Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, and underwent a mystical experience that led to the emergence of the Gene Keys. These keys are a contemplative tool to unlock your path of transformation and prosperity.

As Richard Rudd puts it, “The Gene Keys are a code that you contemplate. And as you contemplate, they come alive inside you.”

This isn’t just a passive journey; it’s an active exploration of your Soul Signature.

Take your time to let this information sink in. It’s all about rediscovering your true self, peeling away the layers of conditioning, and living a life that’s uniquely you.

It’s how you start to decondition all those rules, habits, beliefs, and places you’ve strayed from your intuition and bring it back to your true soul signature.

It’s fascinating to explore for your life in general but especially helpful for me as a professional copywriter to be able to align someone’s Gift and Siddhi to their copy. It’s what makes you magnetic!


Rediscovering Yourself

If you ever felt like you’ve lost touch with who you are, you’re not alone. The hustle of life can take you away from your true self. The Gene Keys can help you reconnect with that inner spark.

Whether you’re an artist, a business owner, or a dreamer, they can guide you back to your authentic self.

When you find your Life’s Work sphere, take time to think about what that means for you. What shadow shows up for you? Do you feel that? Did you used to feel it?

How often are you in your gift vibrational energy?

You can check out this video on how to transmute your shadow for more information if you’d like.

When you’ve had time to explore your life’s work sphere, come back to this post and leave a comment about what you’ve found, or tag me on Insta at @theawakenedprofessional. I’d love to hear it.

If you don’t want to look it up yourself, and want someone to help you, you can find my Soul Aligned Entrepreneur Readings HERE.
