Is Human Design a Good Tool for Hiring? One Former HR Pro Shares the Risks

Is Human Design a Good Tool for Hiring? One Former HR Pro Shares the Risks

When it comes to self-discovery and scaling your business, I felt like stumbling upon Human Design was like discovering a hidden treasure chest. It was as if my intuition found its validation and I was immediately hooked.

This concept not only breathed clarity into my business, but also ignited a journey of personal growth. It allowed me to narrow my focus and follow through on my creative ideas in a way that had felt so illusive before.

Finally, a world where introspection meets entrepreneurship, where something as accessible as a free Human Design chart can serve as a blueprint to navigate the complexity of wanting to achieve your goals, but with purpose, and impact (yes, please!).

Not only did this work for me, but I shared my insights with my clients and they started finding the same clarity and magnetic energy I was experiencing too.

BUT… as I scoured the internet watching every video and researching everything about Human Design I could get my hands on, I started to hear people talk about hiring by design.

It made sense. Entrepreneurs were finding their own success by understanding their soul’s signature energy, so naturally, they wanted to match their Human Design chart with that of their job candidate’s chart to make their hiring decisions.

As a former Human Resources professional, even though I love Human Design, immediately alarm bells went off for me!


What is Human Design?

Human Design is a relatively modern system of self-discovery that combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Chakra system, among other ancient wisdom traditions, with modern science and technology.

Ra Uru Hu is said to have channeled Human Design in 1987 on the island of Ibiza and it has been growing in popularity significantly over the past several years. More and more entrepreneurs and small business owners are using the information in their Human Design Body Graphs to catapult the results in their businesses.

It is based on the idea that each person is born with a unique energetic blueprint that determines their personality, their strengths and weaknesses, and their life path. It is meant to help you rely on your inner authority instead of information from others. It is your inner compass when it comes to decision making, giving you the information you can trust the most.


Why it’s tempting to hire by matching your Human Design chart to that of your candidate’s chart.

The reason so many people are drawn to using Human Design in their hiring processes is because there’s the theory that certain people complete your open channels.

We all have parts of our charts (body graphs) that are considered “open” or “undefined”. These open energy centers, often benefit from being around someone who has a closed center.

(That doesn’t mean it has to be a co-worker or employee, though. You can be in public spaces and find this energy satisfied.)

But the premise that’s gaining popularity is if someone completes the places in your chart that are not colored in, you will have the ability to get results and be in your genius more easily. More specifically, if they complete your open channels (energy centers), together you will be unstoppable!

So why would I say not to use such a powerful tool? I’ll explain it.


The risk of using human design in your hiring practices (and it’s a big one).

First of all, though it’s been a decade since I’ve been professionally staffing in a corporate office, I am sure that “Adverse Impact” is of no less importance than it used to be.

If you are so focused on someone’s Human Design chart, you risk overlooking a diverse selection of people for your business needs and might not consider a wide enough talent pool when selecting candidates.

Hiring bias is a real thing. You already need to keep in mind that not everyone interviews well, has the fanciest resume, or that sometimes one gender over the other is better at negotiating salary and subsequently often gets paid higher (see: The Glass Ceiling, Is it a Myth?). To also look at someone’s Human Design chart and make decisions based on that for your hiring has the potential to create quite a bit of group think and hiring bias, potentially adversely impacting specific cultures and races.

To put it bluntly, what if all the “generators” that apply are white? And you weed out all the “projectors” who apply who are not white?

Do you see the problem?

Back when I was working in HR, we used a personality test in reviewing our candidates. But we were trained on how to recognize that people aren’t their test. It was meant to be a tool to help a manager be able to manage their employee’s strengths and weaknesses and we were cautioned against using it as the basis for the hiring decision. (see: Beware The Legal Risks Of Personality Tests In Hiring

Human Design is even more risky because a personality test can change depending on your mood and growth over time, but Human Design is based on the time, date, and location of your birth – meaning you can’t change it!

So, if people start deciding that “generators” get more work done, or manifesting generators make the best strategic managers – that can create all kinds of problems down the road.

But it’s about more than just being inclusive in your hiring practices and WANTING different perspectives and points of view for your business so you can connect to the widest variety of people possible.

Your chart doesn’t mean that is how you operate. Most people are blissfully unaware of their human design and subsequent shadows and conditioning at play.

This is about ASSUMING that what you see on paper for someone’s Human Design body graph is who they are.

It’s not predetermined that they’re somehow STUCK with their chart qualities!


Your chart isn’t an accurate representation of how you work.

This is a HUGE factor that people are forgetting when it comes to using Human Design in your hiring practices.

Someone who has been evolving in their career has learned to overcome – or “decondition” – their open centers – even if they’ve never heard of Human Design.

human design in hiring


For example, I have an open root center in my Human Design chart. For me, this has presented in life as feelings of “not enough money” or feeling unstable (see: How to say Goodbye to Waiting-for-the-Other-Shoe-to-Drop Syndrome). I feel best with a healthy savings account and plenty of money to pay the rent. (I also have the Accumulator Archetype in Denise Duffield-Thomas’s quiz.)

I don’t like to take huge financial risks because I like to have those safety and security feelings so that I can take big risks elsewhere – like in my business or travel adventures.

Because I’ve been career-driven and awakening for many years, I’ve learned how to decondition and support this open root center.

I know how to create feelings of safety and security, like cuddling with a cozy blanket or gratitude practices, so that it doesn’t interfere with my ability to be an entrepreneur.

In fact, this is what I often help clients with so they can pursue their life’s work without getting derailed by an open root center.

human design in hiring


Human Design is to help you thrive, not put you in a box!


Risky Messages Are Being Shared

I’ve heard one of the louder voices out there who is using Human Design in her business saying her Human Design type is a Projector and when she fired all the Projectors on her team, her business thrived.

She felt they didn’t get anything done because they didn’t have a Generator (the Human Design type who is said to naturally have the energy and stamina to finish projects) on the team.

Again, alarm bells went off for me because if you simplify your business in this way and start firing, or hiring, people based on their Human Design body graph, I’m sure you are a lawsuit waiting to happen.

It also clues me in that you don’t know how to manage a team!

And more importantly, you are missing the point!

Projectors are designed to work in spurts. That doesn’t mean they won’t get things done. They may come up with a genius idea that your business needs but the whole team may benefit from a Virtual Assistant to outsource some of the detailed, implementation work too.

That person who fired her “projector” team may have done so after they helped her build the entire business model and she captured all their great ideas! They may have helped with the creativity and the vision of her business, but she just didn’t know how to balance the energies to get the work done.

Just saying.


In any case, I’ve heard people say they won’t hire a “Manifesting Generator” or a “Projector”, or they spend time looking for the Holy Grail of people who complete the exact channel they need to complete their open channels and I say “Good luck with that!”

I think the universe puts your team together if you are in tune with your intuition, anyway.

It’s YOUR responsibility to get good at hiring and learn how to ask questions that allow you to understand how your prospective employee operates.

And you’re better off with small assignments in the beginning in a freelance capacity (if you’re an entrepreneur) rather than hiring “By Design”.

Because even if someone has the body graph you love, it doesn’t mean they are living in line with their human design. That’s like saying every Astrology sign lives completely in line with their birth sign.

It’s so much more complex than that!


Human Design is complex

One of the other things that really concerns me about hiring by design is that Human Design, and its counterpart, The Gene Keys, is very complex!

Having people who deeply understand how to apply this to the workforce without bias is going to be a challenge at this stage of its evolution.

If you simply look at a chart, but you are not sharing that information with your candidates or employees, it’s not the experiment it’s designed to be.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I began using Human Design and information from the Gene Keys with my Copywriting clients and as a digital product to help people DIY their magnetic copy. The reason this worked is because they received the information, but were free to use it as a tool in their own lives.

I did not tell them how to use it, I simply shared what I saw in their chart and how they may consider their energy to be the most empowering.

Off they went to experiment with it and see if they felt more aligned and had more clarity when they applied their chart.

But I ALWAYS caution that if your intuition says something else – always follow your intuition first.

We’re here to grow and evolve and you will find the resources and tools as you need them.

It’s also closed-minded of a business owner to presume they know what each Human Design type brings to the table – and assume it’s only that.

Human Design is a much better idea to use post-hiring, like how the personality tests I mentioned were applied, as a way to help your employees thrive.


Post-Hiring Human Design

Once you’ve found your employee, or freelancer, if you have a good understanding of Human Design, that is where I recommend using his or her chart to help the two of you thrive on your team.

Back in my HR days, we used to say “Get the right person on the bus and in the right seat” (yes, it’s a Good to Great reference).

We focused on hiring “A” Players (high achievers), and then figuring out his/her strengths, so we could create the most dynamic and high-performing teams.

And it worked! The end result was less turnover, fewer employee relations problems, a better work environment, and more job satisfaction.

Human Design would be a great tool to help your workers thrive once hired instead of weed them out because of preconceived notions. Unless you are so skilled you can develop questions to determine if they have deconditioned areas in their chart – it just has too much risk at the moment.


Bottom line.

At this time hiring by Human Design creates more potential for harm than it does for good.

You just can’t assume everyone is living in line with their Human Design body graph and it would take such an immense understanding of a very complex system to create that kind of matchmaking.

You just don’t know which shadows and areas someone has already deconditioned! You also can’t assume a chart accurately depicts their work ethic and skills. Maybe they’re a Generator but they hate their career choice and rarely show up, for example.

And you also don’t want to hire only a specific race unintentionally because you weren’t mindful in your hiring practices to be inclusive of ALL candidates and cast a wide net.

So, while I love Human Design and The Gene Keys, and can talk about it all day every day, I don’t recommend using it in your hiring practices because there are too many assumptions involved if you have not been fully trained and living in your experiment for a long time.

And even then, to tell a highly qualified candidate “Shoot. You’re totally qualified and have the experience but you’re not a Manifesting Generator and I really want only that because they’re better at strategy,” seems wrong. You’re not giving them a chance because of the day they were born? That just doesn’t make sense.

You also can’t be sure they’ve learned how to embrace their design, even if they are the specific gem you think you’ve found.

The good news is that as more and more people learn to embrace their design, they will be applying to jobs where they can thrive. As individuals, the more we understand ourselves, the more we know what we’re great at and the less the employer has to try to figure it out.

In the meantime, that’s where you’re mindful interviewing questions come in, right?

I’d love to hear from you! Let me know how you are using Human Design in your business and if you’ve been thinking about applying it to your hiring processes. How are you making sure to be inclusive if that’s the case?


How to See the Best Life Your Higher Self Can Show You

How to See the Best Life Your Higher Self Can Show You

A few years ago, I took an Intuitive Clairvoyant Certification Program that really should’ve been called “shadow work on steroids so you can REALLY access your higher guidance”.

It was basically how to give psychic readings without your B.S. getting in the way and as you probably know, shadow work can be unsettling but is also super upleveling!

The climax of this class was a meditation where you visit with 4 possible future lives for yourself:

A crappy life, an okay life, a pretty good life, and a great one.

Then your higher self chooses which one you merge with to create for yourself.

The beauty of it is that you can ask each life “What did I do to get here?”

The crappy life was pretty obvious for everyone in the class and no one merged with it.

(In those crappy lives, we’d all turned our back on our spiritual gifts and passion and it didn’t turn out well.)

The great life is one that surprised me. I asked what I did to get there and they showed me that I get these flashes of insight for my client’s (for their books, sales copy, email funnels, business strategy, and even before an intuitive reading, etc.). But I wasn’t paying enough attention to it. I share it with the clients but I wasn’t specifying that I’ve had this great intuitive insight that came to me in the morning as a result of connecting to them and that I was shown how to put it all together and market it.

At that time, I often downplayed my gifts or didn’t even acknowledge them. I wasn’t even acknowledging to the universe that I was thankful I received it!

Can you relate to that? Do you too have some natural abilities that you overlook as special or unique to you?

In the “pretty good life” (just short of being like the great one), I saw that I had downplayed my gifts and the life was just that, pretty good. I couldn’t complain. Nothing was bad but nothing really stood out either.

But in the great future life, I was in a saltwater pool, by the beach, floating and looking up at the palm trees. I felt so serene and free. I loved floating in that water and savoring every moment of it.

In that great life, I didn’t downplay my gifts. In fact, people paid me well for the ideas and it felt rewarding to have created a life I loved, based on allowing this information to come through and actually acknowledging my role in it – instead of being my biggest critic and actually giving myself some props (we all need this!).

If you downplay your gifts, others won’t value them much either – that was my takeaway.

We should all value our gifts, shouldn’t we?

It’s really our connection to our higher self, our spiritual support team and it’s how we take the time to be a clear channel – which is something that takes dedication and self-love to do.

I invite you to try a similar meditation. Here’s what you can do:

1. Clear your energy.

Set a nice energetic container around you and connect to your Higher Self. (see my Energy Clearing Tips I use for intuitive writing if you’d like more help)


2. Take time to breathe and enter a meditative state. You can use music if you’d like.


3. Ask your Higher Sefl to show you a not so great life, a mediocre life, a pretty good life and a great one.


4. In each one ask, “What did I do to get here?”


5. Choose the one that makes you the most excited and write down the steps you took.


Because I would love for you to create a great future life for yourself and skip the crappy one!

I’m telling you, seeing it in meditation is enough to keep me motivated and I think you’ll feel that too.

Let me know if you try it!


How Much Do You Trust Your Intuition in Your Business? (Like Really Trust It)

How Much Do You Trust Your Intuition in Your Business? (Like Really Trust It)

I want to share something about what I’ve found to be very difficult when it comes to being a Spiritual Entrepreneur.

I had a calling over a decade ago that felt like I was meant to channel messages in the form of blog posts.

“You have to tell them this, Nicole”, I would hear (I’m clairaudient).

And so I would.

I learned WordPress. Set up a blog and started to write.

About 20 or so of my family and friends read and commented about it.

But… that didn’t feel like fulfilling a calling. It didn’t satisfy the longing I had that I had come to the planet at this time to do SOMETHING.

So I worked harder. I took blogging courses and was in blog groups where we shared each other’s posts. I learned how to make Pinterest graphics and write better content.

And still… very few people would comment on my blog posts and I didn’t know if it was reaching anyone. No matter how much effort I put in!

I did my “inner work” too! I worked with mentors and coaches, both business and spiritual. Nothing seemed to change the outcome; I put out more energy and effort than was returned in terms of traffic, followers, or subscribers.

do you trust your intuition in your business or career

When you have a calling…

You see, my calling wasn’t to write (though I LOVE writing). My calling was to help people.

My calling is to make awakening easier, especially as it relates to your life’s work. I felt an all-consuming pull to deliver the messages coming through me, and it didn’t feel like they were being delivered.

I did “all the things” the experts say to do. I wrote to an avatar (THIS post explains why I no longer believe in Avatars ), focused on reaching just one person, and learned SEO so people can find me in a google search. You name it. I tried it.

After a while, I made an unpopular decision. I decided to write when I felt like it. I would publish posts when I felt moved to. I would let clients find me and balance my Intuitive Writing with my family life.

It’s been a VERY HARD thing to do. It meant I had to stop worrying. Stop watching the numbers. No longer care about traffic or subscriber counts.


Because when I was writing to those 20 family and friends in my first blog, I loved it. I wasn’t questioning anything; I would just go for my morning walk, give the kids some toys to play with, and write away.

That’s what I think is so hard about being a Spiritual Entrepreneur.

Where are your people?

how much do you trust your intuition

You want to help people but don’t know how to reach them!

You want to fulfill your purpose, but you may not know how to support it financially.

And if you have an open root chakra and have grown up with the other shoe dropping and scarcity – it’s a challenging leap of faith, to say the least.

My advice (if you want to hear it because what works for me may not work for you) is to decide how you feel about your intuitive downloads.

Do you trust them? How much do you trust them?

When I decided I either trusted my intuition or I didn’t, that’s what finally made me stop being concerned about my numbers and TRUST that everything is unfolding as it should.

It allowed me to stand in my power.

I’ve also learned my audience can be quiet. My audience prefers to email or DM me rather than comment on a post.

I’ve met people years later who will tell me one of my posts helped them and I had no idea!

I just put it out there. And I get unsubscribes and new subscribers just like everyone else.

Some of my launches are successful, and some were met with crickets.

The only difference is that now I trust my intuitive guidance, and I’m seeing where it leads me.

And I keep getting the most amazing clients, who have found me in a google search when I went against what the SEO says to do…

I’ve learned the universe will just handle things if we can get out of our own way, get better at accessing our intuition, and then TRUST it! Which isn’t easy… believe me, I know.

Whatever you are doing in the world, I think you’re making more of a difference than you think. You may just have a quiet audience or be part of a bigger plan.

Just know that it’s not always easy to trust your intuition when it comes to your livelihood and your financial security, but if you get really clear on how to access it then it’s time to stop second guessing it!

You can always work your side hustle or plan for the day when you’re all in on your business or career growth. My advice would be to carry out your intuition AS YOU RECEIVED IT instead of taking a baby step, not seeing the results you expected and starting over.

It can take time for the universe to line up your dreams and for you to have the vibration to allow it. Learning to stay the course because you KNOW your intuition wasn’t wrong is a power move when it comes to getting what you want and fulfilling your soul’s desires.

Do you trust your intuition when it comes to your business or career? And if so, how much do you trust it?

Even if you write and it seems like no one is listening?

Even if you share on social media and it looks like no one is viewing it?

Even if you feel 100% driven to create a digital product and no one buys it the first time?

You may be one small tweak away from something great.

Second guessing may be just the energy to derail you.

Learn to trust your intuition and go for it!


3 Ways to Validate Intuitive Guidance After Intuitive and Automatic Writing

3 Ways to Validate Intuitive Guidance After Intuitive and Automatic Writing

Validating the Intuitive Guidance you receive from Intuitive or Automatic Writing is a VERY IMPORTANT step! It’s not hard to do and is worth double-checking that the information you received is for you and is for now (and not later).

Your intuition may come to you in many ways, shapes and sizes. One of my favorite ways is through Automatic Writing or what I also refer to as Intuitive Writing. It’s a process similar to journaling, that most of us do without even knowing it and it’s a great way to receive intuitive wisdom from your Higher Self and guides. You can use it to clear stuck energy and remove energetic blocks and you can also use it much like you would use a pendulum when you’re stuck on a decision.

When people use pendulums they usually ask “yes” or “no” questions and have the pendulum “programmed” so they know what it means when it swings either horizontally or vertically.

The problem I found with the pendulum, and what caused me to crave an alternative solution, is that for me it wasn’t accurate.

It would say “yes” to something but my gut was having a response to say that it wasn’t correct. My authority in Human Design is to have a sacral response (which I didn’t know at the time!) and over time I have learned to trust my gut response, more than anything else.

The pendulum said “yes”, my gut said “no” and my gut proved to be the one who was correct most frequently in the long run.

3 steps before inspired action pendulum

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Now I use the pendulum as a clearing tool in line with Jean Haner’s Clear Home, Clear Heart process for energy clearing, but I no longer use it as a decision-making tool.

Even if the pendulum does work for you, and I know many of you have success with it, it still doesn’t give more insight than a “yes” or a “no”.

Intuitive / Automatic Writing allows you to go deeper. It allows you to ask questions, get guidance, find out your next step, and heal energy if something is standing between you and your dreams.

But, there’s an important step that comes before “inspired action” that I would love for you to consider adding to your practice if you haven’t already.

And that it is VALIDATING that the information you receive as Intuitive Guidance is correct and is truly meant for you.

In any case, when you receive those Intuitive nudges (or Intuitive information), it’s always a good idea to validate it if it doesn’t require immediate action. Just to make sure the information is for YOU, and for you right now.


What is Inspired Action?

what is inspired action

Inspired action is when you receive that divine wisdom from your higher self and spiritual support team and you are inspired to take an action toward your goals.

I think of it as magic advice, the kind of magic that belongs to co-creation and alchemy, where it’s so clear and insightful that you just know that something great will come of it.

This is not to say the advice will make sense!

Often it’s a tiny baby step to a much larger puzzle that years later you can look back and think “Oh! If I hadn’t done that one thing ALL these other things would not have happened.”

Intuitive guidance is often like that (which comes through Intuitive Writing). It’s a nudge, a step, a clue… and on a rare occasion, you get a roadmap of where you are headed so you can set your internal GPS to that coordinate.


Why do you want to validate?

why you want to validate the guidance

Intuitive Writing isn’t an exact science, especially when you are starting out. It’s similar to tuning the radio on your car to a clear station. Or finding the right spot for your cell phone if the reception is bad.

When my boys were little they had walkie-talkies. They would try to talk to our neighbor in his house but often they couldn’t hear him. Their walkie-talkies had different channels so they would change them around and sometimes we would hear strangers’ conversations!

And sometimes a stranger (or neighbor I guess it must’ve been) would talk through it. They would have to figure out which frequency their friend was on and then leave it on that channel or they couldn’t communicate.

And even then every once and awhile the walkie-talkie would have a strange voice come through out of NOWHERE if they left it on!

Intuitive Writing is like that. If you are perfectly dialed into your Higher Self and guides, you get a clear conversation and can write down (or type!) the wisdom.

But, it could also turn out you have mediumship abilities and someone else’s spirit guides are trying to get a message to them.

Or it could be your ego posing as your Higher Self (this has happened to me many times!), or your inner child may want to share.

Depending on WHO is giving the “inspired action” to you… well, it may not be for you and it may not be for right now.

Your ego, for example, wants to keep you safe. They want you to stay doing what they know, even if it doesn’t feel soul-satisfying. So if you are Automatic Writing or Intuitive Writing and you’ve tuned into your ego, the advice may be to do nothing for a while. Or apply for a “safe” position instead of taking a career risk.

Your ego isn’t likely to say “go for it!” in other words.

It’s important to validate the information you get from writing, just as I took the time to validate that the pendulum wasn’t giving the right input for me.

automatic intuitive writing 101

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101


Here are 3 things you can do before you take inspired action from intuitive guidance:


1. Clear your energy and ground

Clear your energy

After a writing session, the first thing I do is ground my energy. I make sure my energy is clear and that I am once again rooted to the earth and not with my head still up in the stars. This is great music on YouTube for grounding that I like to listen to and you can also try my FREE 2 Minute Energy Clearing Ritual for Writing 👉 HERE.

Then I’ll look at what I’ve written (or typed!) and ask “Is this for me?” “Is this for my highest and greatest good?”

Clairaudience is my dominant Clair so I’ll usually hear a “yes” or “no”. If it’s a “no”, I will leave it and ask for more clarity in my next writing session as to why not. ( Understanding your dominant Clair is a game-changer for Automatic and Intuitive Writing!)

If it’s a “yes”, I will go to the next step.



2. Leave it.

Sometimes you have to wait to take Inspired Action After Automatic Writing


Before you take any action, especially big action, it’s a great idea to just leave things alone for a hot minute.

You’ll have time to take action, but it’s important to understand if you were given the first baby step, or step number 20 when it comes to fulfilling your desires.

Things do not always come through in a logical order or specific timeline. I had a spiritual teacher who received intuitive guidance about an important event she would attend in June. She was so excited for June to come but guess what? It turned out to be a whole year later! Still June but when the thing happened the following year she knew it was exactly as she had imagined it but a whole year later!

I know it seems hard, but write the guidance down and leave it be for a minute, a few days, or a week.

Go out in nature, talk a walk, ponder how it would happen.

Sometimes you want to just jump into action and get things done. I heard a phrase from one of the coaches in Aaron Daughty’s 21-Day Abundance Challenge “Start with your heart, then add your smarts”.

If you get guidance to quit your job, that would likely come from the heart. Your soul knows what you’re meant to do and when you’re off the path.

Adding in the “smarts” would be the follow-up plan. “How can I quit?” “What can I do for money in the meantime?” “Can I create a side hustle while I’m at this job until I have the income to quit?”

You’re also wanting to make sure you were tuned into YOUR frequency. What if “Quit your job” was meant for your best friend and her guides were trying to get that message to her?

It’s important to make sure the information is for you and that you weren’t tuned into a frequency that isn’t for your highest and greatest good at this moment.

It doesn’t have to take long.


3. Ask for signs.

Ask for signs to validate Inspired Action After Automatic Writing

Once I’ve grounded and cleared my energy field, explored “Is this for me?”, I will ask my guides to send 3 signs that I’m meant to take this action.

You can let them surprise you and pay attention to signs. Is a song suddenly stuck in your head or playing every time you get in the car that has lyrics that match your situation? That’s often a sign.

You can ask to find a bird feather in your path, even specify if it’s a white feather or black one. I kid you not, one time when I did this I was sitting and saw a bird hopping on my patio to our doormat where it dropped a feather from its mouth! After I regained my composure out of total disbelief I picked up the feather and marveled how there’s so much more going on in our connections and universe than we know!

Another way this often gets validated is through conversation with others.

Say, for example, you get the message to try acupuncture. Then you’re having a random conversation at the grocery store and someone starts telling you about acupuncture.

Then potentially, you look at the magazine rack and there’s an article on acupuncture. Next thing you know, you find someone’s business card and they are, I know you know what I’m going to say, an Acupuncturist.

Your guides will validate for you and you can also ask, “If this is meant for me, can you tell me which Acupuncturist can most help me?” Or whatever “the thing” is that you got guidance to take inspired action on. Which vacation, which career, which [insert the thing that’s meant for you].

I’d like to add that once you get very in tune with your Higher Self and guides through Intuitive Writing and you learn to work with and not against your ego and inner child, these steps will happen much more quickly.

These days, I get the inspired action and I will leave it for a while to see if it starts to feel urgent.

My intuition will become a small craving and the become a sense of “You have to do this now!” kind of thing.

I still validate and ask for guidance on how, but that’s how I know it’s SUPER aligned is when it feels urgent.


The difference between validating inspired action and taking action if there’s true danger.

I want to make sure I specify that this is not the same as your intuition in extreme situations or when there’s danger. That comes through calm and clear for me in those moments. “Don’t go down that street” or “Turn right here now”…

Don’t take time to validate if there is danger involved or if it’s a quick action when you’re out in the world.

This is for the guidance you receive through Intuitive Writing, not if you are doing something like skiing full speed down a mountain and something tells you to go right or left. That’s a different relationship to your intuition than the one I’m talking about in Intuitive Writing.

Although, in those moments you may get guidance like “Why not start a new business?” That would be a start with your heart and then add your smarts situation. 😉

But when something needs your immediate attention, skip the steps!

I hope this helps you get the most out of Automatic and Intuitive Writing and take those inspired action steps when they come. It’s truly magical when you can align with your soul’s desires and the guidance of your Higher Self. They want what’s best for you and want you to get the most out of life. That includes happiness, pleasure, abundance, and experiencing your life to the fullest.

Writing is a great tool for this and taking the steps after a session will help you skip some of the trial and error of it.

If you would like to learn more about how to use Intuitive Writing as the magical tool that it is, I’m pleased to announce the digital course INTUTIVE WRITING 101 to connect to your Inner Magic! It’s easy to implement, you’ll memorize it in no time and you can begin to feel the difference between interference and being a CLEAR CHANNEL. It’s a great first step!

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101

automatic intuitive writing 101


What “inspired action” are you up to? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

Happy Writing,

How Showing Up Awkwardly and Messy Can Help You Reach Your Goals

How Showing Up Awkwardly and Messy Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Can you be awkward and grow your audience? I mean authentically awkward – not just for the camera?

I want to share something with you that has recently opened my eyes as to why it’s so important to let those deeply engrained perfectionist tendencies go!

It came from an unlikely place and has to do with a YouTuber and a challenge.

On our recent vacation, my 14-year old got me hooked on 23-year old YouTuber, Ryan Trahan, who created a 30-Day penny challenge for himself to raise $100,000 for the charity Feeding America. The challenge was to travel from Los Angeles to North Carolina using only profits he received from a penny.

It quickly became a sensation and at last count he had raised over 1.4 Million dollars for Feeding America, which equates to 14 million meals! (They donate approximately 10 meals for every $1).

We were watching his daily videos while we were in Croatia and it quickly became a fun, nightly routine to end our beachy days.

Not only because it was inspiring to see one person making such a BIG impact, but also because of who Ryan is… he can be so awkward!


Those awkward moments!

can you show up akward










When we first started watching, I told my son that he seemed so uncomfortable that I didn’t know if I could even watch any more videos. He drops the camera, forgets the camera and has to come back for it, has the phone recording right up to his face while he’s eating, messes up his words, and his being uncomfortable was making me uncomfortable.

But I couldn’t help but think of the juxtaposition between myself on vacation and what he was doing. While we were taking vacation pics, pretty much every single picture I took of myself I was overly critical.

Did I look too tired? Were my eyes looking small with the glare of the sun in them? Did my face look too big when I attempted selfies and I was in front? Did I look fat despite how hard I’d been working out these past 7 months?

And here he was, in the same white tank top and black shorts day after day, mostly unshowered because he didn’t have money to shower anywhere, being awkwardly uncomfortable as millions of viewers were watching, subscribing, and donating to a good cause.

The Shift…

And you know what happened?

Over the course of a few videos, his awkwardness quickly became my favorite thing about him. I found him endearing. I found myself wanting to keep watching and see if he could complete his challenge. I couldn’t help laughing as his phone slipped out of his hands, as he tried new poses to demonstrate the rules of the challenge, as he forgot his words or mixed them up, and even when he spilled coffee on his white shirt.

I decided his video editor is brilliant because he could’ve cut out when he would ride out of the camera frame but then realize he had to come back for his camera – but he didn’t.

He could’ve cut those moments when he looked goofy, or didn’t look “professional”  and like he had it all together, but those moments were there for all the world to see instead.

After watching his videos, I began looking at my own photos differently. Instead of trying to look my best for each I decided that “This is how I look. This is me!” And I’m going to be less hard on myself knowing that the imperfections are what we remember most about people.

Just as this twenty-something YouTuber has already learned to embrace his weird and let his freak flag fly, I appreciated the reminder.

I also couldn’t help think about how much effort women go to be on camera with their clothes, make up, and hair versus what men do!!!

I have to admit something to you too… sometimes when I see people unshowered and talking in their cars with terrible video quality I wonder “Why didn’t they just wait?” “Why didn’t they find a better spot to record?”

It’s been such a lesson for me.


Waiting equals not taking action.

waiting could mean you do not take action










Because waiting for the perfect moment can lead to inaction, not trying, and losing the message that you know you were meant to share.

I now think people are showing up when they feel aligned however that looks for them in that moment.

I do want to add the caveat that if you feel better when you have your make up done and your favorite outfit on – then go for it!

But if you feel called to record yourself sharing something, or take a photo, and you SUPRESS that because you feel like you SHOULD be more “presentable” – that’s where the issue lies (myself included).

If you could show up a hot mess, in your pj’s and know you wouldn’t be judged, would you? Would that feel more comfortable to you?

Or, do you feel most inspired in your cutest dress in your favorite spot of the house with the best lighting?


It’s up to you.

It’s up to you… I just want to invite you to be your FULL self.

Be awkward if you want to.

Be as “weird” as you feel called to.

Just make sure you are one thing for sure – YOU!

If you are excited about what you are doing it will reach those who it’s meant to reach.

If you are aligned with your message, others will FEEL that too.

Just keep going. Work through the kinks and don’t stop.

One of my biggest regrets in my business is that I kept second guessing it and starting over. I was on the right track, aligned and creating something magical so many times but I would stop because I thought it “should” be different.

Or when I learned about SEO and content writing, I thought I had to be more specific or people wouldn’t understand it.

I used to record at night on Tuesdays no matter how I looked that day. Then I started seeing the Rebecca Campbells of the mystical world with her beautiful backdrops and soothing music and wanted that too.

No shade to Rebecca, I love her, but she has a background in creative design so it makes sense that her creativity comes through in this way.

It just wasn’t my background. It wasn’t what I was feeling called to do at the time because I had smaller kids, afterschool obligations, and a husband that traveled for work 85% of the time. And… I’m being honest, deep-down it felt more important to get the message out than to get ready to deliver the message.

By the time I got ready I usually lost the window of opportunity!

And that window is sometimes SUPER small!!!


Pay attention to those you adore.

I highly encourage you to think about the people you connect to most online or otherwise and think about what you like about them.

It’s probably not that they had the best outfit (unless you’re looking for style tips!), or the most professional camera editing.

It’s likely based on how you felt connected to them. Likely they are someone you would love to brunch with or meet for taco Tuesday.

I remember hearing Kyle Gray on Hay House and thinking “I would love to hang out with him!” He was talking about angels and oracle cards, but he felt grounded and fun like you could be travel buddies and have a blast.

I ended up taking his Angel Tribe Certification course and still watch his videos to this day based on how down to earth he seemed.


A little inspiration?

here is some inspiration










If you need inspiration, the YouTuber I’m referring to is worth watching as well to see if you end up falling in love with his clumsiness and his looking like he is just trying to figure his way through the crazy 30-Day challenge he set for himself that then took on a life of its own.

I’d like to share also that prior to this challenge he tried one to survive on a penny for a week with the same goal to raise $100,000 and raised $50,000 instead.

So when he did the challenge again, he was hoping for the $100,000 and was emotional as the funds were growing into the millions for the cause Feeding America.

(There’s a second message in there about not giving up and continuing but I’ll leave that for another time.)

be you










As long as you are YOU, not imitating what worked for someone else, then you are giving people the chance to connect to you.

The authentic you.

The aligned you.

The YOU that is dying to come out that people will respond to.

Not everyone will love you.

Some will judge you.

That’s going to happen no matter what.

But if you can look back and think “I was so inspired that day and so passionate about what I was saying”, you aren’t going to regret being “too much yourself”.

I truly don’t think you’re going to look back and think “I showed up as myself and I regret that”.

Because honestly, it takes so much work to be someone you are not and who has time for that?

You got inspired living to do!


Have you tried the FREE 2-MINUTE ENERGY CLEARING RITUAL yet? It’s a great way to clear your energy throughout the day and especially before writing or other creative activities. You get your free copy here ->


energy clearing ritual

Easy Ways to Play With Your Intuition and Increase Your Confidence

Easy Ways to Play With Your Intuition and Increase Your Confidence

A great way to get better at tuning into your intuition and understanding when it’s actually intuition, and not ego interference, is to play!

Testing it out, learning how you receive it (see this blog post), and taking action when the stakes are LOW… it’s what allows you to be confident when you need to make much bigger decisions.

I’m going to give you an example that just happened on Friday – that has to do with fried chicken.

(And if you’re not a meat eater, please replace that part of the story with something yummy you would love to eat!)

My 12 year old has started taking diving lessons. It’s 3 hours per week of constantly pulling himself up out of the water on a warm summer day. And for some reason, after each lesson, he craves Raising Cane’s fried chicken strips.

I got it for him one time but then my healthy Mom voice kicked in and told him “You can’t just eat fried food every time you exercise – that’s not good for your body!”

He is skinny so he tried to pull the “I need more meat on my bones” card but I gave him a nourishing meal instead.

But on Friday, he was still craving fried chicken and couldn’t stop talking about it. I began to crave it too! We all did.

Except I had promised my 14 year old we would go to Downtown Disney because he’s been looking all summer for a little Remy character from Ratatouille that has been sold out. (He’s going into a culinary program for High School and has been wanting this so badly!).

We looked up Downtown Disney’s food and the best we could find was a fried chicken sandwich at a restaurant. We’ve been there enough times to know that the restaurant is always packed! And this was a Friday night on top of it.

And let me tell you we were already STARVING.

It takes at least 40 minutes to get there, probably 20 to park and get through security, and then we were expecting a 1-2 hour wait for the restaurant.

It didn’t make sense to go there for fried chicken.

My husband started looking up other places on the way to see what other options we had but I strongly heard “just head to Downtown Disney”.

Even on the way as we were stuck in traffic, my husband kept asking “Should I just pull off and look here?” and I would tune in to my intuition again and it was the same “Go to Downtown Disney”.

Now I know getting fried chicken isn’t a big deal and that’s why it’s the perfect way to practice tuning into your intuition.

If we couldn’t get into the restaurant, I knew they had hot dog carts and we already planned on a delicious milkshake or churro (it was a splurge day!) so not a big deal.

When we got there, finally, as we finished the long walk from the parking lot and arrived at the security station (they check your bags), can you guess what was the first thing we saw?

A food truck! And not just any food truck!!! A Nashville fried chicken food truck!!!

I mean, what are the odds of a fried chicken food truck being right at the entrance of your destination when that’s the one thing you’re looking for???

Well, when you learn to access your intuition, the odds are much better.

And let me tell you it was really good. So not only did my son get what he was craving, it was delicious on top of it and fun to eat with a band playing next to us on a planter we found to sit on.

Now you could say “That’s just coincidence!” but when you play with your intuition enough, you no longer feel that way.

Because things just line up! Life becomes easier.

I have no idea if the seed was planted in his head to talk about fried chicken when there was a food truck, or if the idea to choose Friday for this adventure is what allowed us to get there, but either way, if we had pulled off the freeway to find an alternative, we probably would’ve settled on something else and then been sad when we walked in and saw that big truck right freaking there!

Playing with your intuition when the stakes are low is what helps you grow your confidence.

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101

automatic intuitive writing 101

Because I tell you, I’m teaching my boys about manifestation and there’s no way they could argue that one.

My 12 year old now feels he manifested what he was craving!

As for the Remy my 14 year old was looking for, he settled for a big one while we keep looking for the little chef that fits on your shoulder.

But my intuition didn’t say it would be there, it just sounded fun to go look for it. And we love Disneyland so being in that energy is always fun for us.

I can give you another quick example of listening to your intuition so you too can play with it more.

After I wrote this post, it was time for me to go exercise and then head to the infrared sauna so I decided to finish it later.

At the sauna, they have a TV with a remote control that they set up to play relaxing music with beautiful pictures of scenery.

You CAN take the TV remote in with you and watch Netflix or Hulu, but I usually don’t because I don’t need to change the channel.

Today though, I heard “that voice,” say “Bring in the remote”.


“That’s strange”, I thought but I decided to take it into the sauna with me. Playfully, I wondered if I was going to get bored and want to watch TV or what else would be the reason I would need it.

AND again I was so surprised when 20 minutes into my session the music stopped and the message “Your account is being paused because it’s being used in another location” appeared on the screen.

I have been using the infrared sauna as a way to detox and hopefully lower my blood pressure and the music is what makes it relaxing because the quiet makes me want to bolt!

I was so happy I had the remote with me so I didn’t need to open the glass and feel how much better the air-conditioned room would be over sweating (I might have ditched the detox!).  I hit the home button and found how to put the music back on and went back to my relaxing/sweating.

Would it have been THAT much of a problem if I had to step out and get the remote?

Of course not. But following your intuition when nothing is really at stake is what allows you to make choices when bigger things are on the line.

I’ve used my intuition (after clearing the fear, stress, and worry from my energy field) when our family has had an illness, needed to make school decisions and important health decisions during the pandemic – and even for financial choices like buying a car to get the best deal.

Play with your intuition when the stakes are low, so you can TRUST it when the stakes are higher.

It’s beyond helpful to know when it’s fear, other people’s ideas, your ego guiding you to a “safer” path that isn’t the best for you, or your own worry VERSUS your intuition.

intuition makes life easier

Intuition is your GIFT to make your life easier.

And it can even lead you to a good meal!

Some easy ways to play your intuition are:

Notice HOW you receive your intuition. Do you hear it? Do you just have a knowing? Do you see a vision about an outcome? (SEE: How Understanding Your Dominant Clair is Magical).

If it’s easy to follow, doesn’t seem harmful (like my example to “grab the remote”), just try it!

Learn to clear your energy and then ask questions and wait for your intuitive guidance to show up. You can clear your energy with my Intuitive Writing 101 Course that you can access here:

Get the Course 👉 INTUITIVE WRITING 101

automatic intuitive writing 101

Let me know in the comments how you’re playing with your intuition. I’d love to know.
